Try this: combine the prefix with your current situation
(situation: your actual product, service, process, business model, …)
and find new ideas for innovation.

Direct (direct buy / direct democracy / direct marketing)
Micro (microblogging / micro loans / micro turbine)
Multi (multitasking / multi fuel stoves / multi knives)
Mini (mini trips / mini luxe / mini golf)
Nano (nano computing / nano car / nano battery)
Pocket (pocket bike / pocket projector / pocket video camera)
Minimal (minimal design / minimal jewelry / minimal music)
Low (low budget / low tech / low energy bulbs)
Flexible (flexible display / flexible solar cells / flexible wall)
Foldable (foldable bike / foldable bed / foldable water bottle)
Soft (soft ice / software / soft jazz)
Light (light graffiti / light rail / light dinner menu)
Tiny (tiny forest / tiny house / tiny appartment)
Vertical (vertical farms / vertical cities / vertical garden)
e- (e-health / e-government / e-mail)
i- (iPod / iPhone / iPad)
un- (unconference / uncomputer / unlearning)
co- (co-branding / co-buying / co-housing)
People Planet Profit
Sustainable (sustainable tourism / agriculture / sustainable dance floor)
Local (local food / local search / local currency)
Urban (urban biking / urban art / urban vegetables)
Eco (eco house / eco jeans / eco phone)
Slow (slow food / slow travel / slow parenting)
Fair (fair trade / fair presents /fair food)
Solar (solar car / solar brick / solar jacket)
Shared (shared cars / shared economy / shared food)
Natural (natural antibiotics / natural living / natural viagra)
Home (home entertainment center / home gym / homeworking)
Local (local food / local advertising / local energy network)
Portable (portable external hard drive / portable heart defibrillator)
Outdoor (outdoor kitchen / outdoor cinema / outdoor Jacuzzi)
Indoor (indoor ski resort / indoor surfing / indoor walking)
Street (street food / street art / street piano)
Time / Generations
Short (short ski / short URL / short film)
One minute (one minute soup / one minute cooler / one minute management)
Instant (instant camera / instant coffee / instant messaging)
Rapid (rapid bridge / rapid test / rapid prototyping)
Kids (kids champagne / kids keyboard / kids hotel)
Single (single cruises / single restaurant / single dating)
Divorce (divorce insurance / divorce magazine / divorce remortgages)
Crowdsourced (crowdsourced design / crowdsourced funding / crowdsourced testing)
Open (open innovation / open source / open labs)
User generated (user generated content / user generated films / user generated art)
Personal (personal trainer / personal shopper / personal food)
Convenience (convenience store / convenience meals / convenience packaging)
Retro (retro candy / retro games / retro furniture)
Emotional (emotional intelligence / emotional health / emotional geography)
Artificial (artificial intelligence / artificial heart / artificial snow)
3D (3D barcodes / 3D jigsaw puzzles / 3D printer)
Colored (colored aluminum foil / colored iPod / colored refrigerators)
Mood (mood lighting / mood music / mood tagging)
Visual (visual dictionary / visual novel / visual thinking)
Guerilla (guerilla gardening / guerilla advertising / guerilla learning)
Underground (underground economy / underground art / music)
Mixed (mixed herbs / mixed reality / mixed drink)
Dual (dual view / dual alarm clock / dual boot)
Hybrid (hybrid car / hybrid energy / hybrid technology)
Functional (functional food / functional resume / functional art)
Multifunctional (multifunctional converter / multifunctional oven / walking stick)
Free (free newspaper / free shipping / free software)
Easy (EasyJet / easy songs for guitar / easy swim)
Self (self-service / self-storage / self-help books)
Transparent (transparent bra / transparent aluminum / transparent packaging)
Invisible (invisible tattoo / invisible glass / invisible bra)
Perfect (perfect Christmas gifts / perfect uninstaller / perfect draft)
Safe (safe cosmetics / safe Google / safe toys)
All inclusive (all-inclusive resorts / all-inclusive insurance / laundry service)
Zero (zero tolerance / zero-coke / zero energy house)
Mobile (mobile office / mobile school / mobile printer)
Viral (viral advertising / viral gaming / viral video)
Real time (real time search / real time gps / real time flight tracker)
Cross (cross-media / cross-functional / cross-over)
P2P (P2P lending / P2P music / P2P insurance)
Wireless (wireless charger / wireless earphones / wireless joystick)
Social (social media / social bookmarking / social innovation)
Interactive (interactive television / interactive advertising / interactive floor)
Beta (beta software / beta chocolate / beta innovation words)
2.0. (web 2.0. / government 2.0. / everything 2.0.)
Virtual (virtual reality / virtual assistant / virtual classroom)
Business models
Rent a (rent a car / rent a elephant / rent a island)
Pop up (pop up store / pop up tourism / pop up flea market)
Lease a (lease a cow / lease a kitchen / lease a car)
All in one (all in one printer / all inclusive hotel / all in one usb card reader)

An 'updated' tool from the book: ‘Not Invented Here: cross-industry innovation’ -